About us

Felinthropia translates really well our mission: cat lovers that know that all cats deserve a good life. Our mission is simple and clear: hardwork and dedication to provide basic needs such as clean water, food and shelter to the cats in Corfu.

A little bit about myself...

Hello there! My name is Aline Barry and I love animals since..... always! I graduated some time ago (no way, I'm not revealing this information) as a doctor in veterinary medicine and since then I never stopped learning and working with animal health.

I live in the Netherlands with my husband and our three cats: Jojo and Bolacha that were born in the Netherlands and Mythos, our Greek baby rescued in Corfu.

As you probably already noticed I love love love cats, but besides these adorable creatures, I also enjoy activities such as running, hiking, reading a good book and traveling.

This handsome ginger guy in the picture is Toulouse. A talkative and cuddly fella that I adopted as a kitten. He had a really good and spoiled life as all cats deserve!

Meet Mythos, the furry one that inspired Felinthropia!

I live in the Netherlands and work a full time job, so I thought, why not take a well deserved vacation in a warm place. I've been to Greece before, but never to Corfu, so when my husband suggested, I though, why not? It will be the perfect way to enjoy my time off and come back home completely restored.

The hotel was great and secretly I was hoping to see some cats as I knew they were always present in the island. Enjoying my breakfast (with Greek yoghurt obviously) in the porch when he comes, a friendly, joyful and skinny cat. I was about to meet one of the loves of my life. He was a bit goofy and always looking for attention. Not too friendly with other cats, but enjoying interacting with me and the other guests. Despite always searching for food, he seemed happy. It didn't take long for me to start feeding him every morning and in the end of each day.

One morning he didn't show up and it was when I realized it was too late for me to let him go. The last drop was when during the night he was sleeping in our balcony (which was already arranged with a comfortable chair and towel for him to sleep) and he was attacked by another cat. We woke up immediately and put him inside the apartment. It was the best decision ever, but then we were hooked. It was just beautiful to see him enjoying the couch and feeling comfortable with us and being inside.

The next step was to arrange a litter box..... and then? What are we going to do? We cannot simply go home and live him here. So I got in contact with one of the cat rescue foundations in Corfu and they gave me the contact of a volunteer in the area. My decision was made: I wanted to bring him back home with me. But now, we need to take an important decision. What are we going to call him? It was then that my husband came up with an idea for a name. He will be called Mythos! Which by the way, is also the name of a Greek famous beer. Next, we took him to the vet, got him a passport and vaccinations and a ticket to his new home.

Since then Mythos is enjoying a good life and making a big difference in mine. At the same time that I'm proud of this gesture and really happy for Mythos I can't avoid thinking about the other cats that were not as lucky as him.

This is how Felinthropia was born: by seeing how much of a difference we can make in a cat's life. And each one of them matters! Mythos was only one of the cats, but this help made a difference for the rest of his life (and hopefully for his other eight lives too ;)Â